Free Download People Flash App at online App Mart

Do you forget people's names? Their birthdays and anniversaries? Their children's names? Where you met them? Who else you met there?

Then People Flash is for you!

Feature-packed but simple and easy to use.

- Tags let you highlight bits of information about a person
- Create tags that make sense to you like #doctor @generalhospital met@Ann'sParty
- Search for people by tags. Great when you can't remember their name!
- Tag multiple people with the same tags to find them all together such as people you met at the same event or everyone who goes to the same school or works at the same company

- Add birthdays, anniversaries or custom dates
- Set reminder notifications - birthday reminders, anniversary reminders or for any other dates. Never forget a birthday or important date again!
- When notification is turned on, the event is added to your Calendar as well

- Create relations between people
- Give custom names to relations
- Create family trees, friend trees, business contacts or any other relations
- Navigate relationships by tapping on the related person

- Use notes to remember additional information about a person
- Notes are automatically timestamped so that you can see when you made the note
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